Bankruptcy Attorney in Austin

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Stop Financial Stress Now

Feeling overwhelmed by financial problems? I can help. As a bankruptcy attorney, I offer legal solutions to put you on the right track to good financial health. With Barry Broughton Lawyer, you can put an end to needless harassment and get back on track with a fresh start. Don't let financial stress hold you back any longer; let's work together to find a solution that works for you.

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understanding Types of Bankruptcy

At the Law Office of Barry Broughton, we understand that each bankruptcy case is unique. Whether you're facing personal financial challenges, business debts, or complex bankruptcy litigation, our team is dedicated to providing tailored solutions and unwavering support. With our extensive knowledge and compassionate approach, we stand by your side through every type of bankruptcy, ensuring that you navigate these challenging waters with confidence and clarity.


helping Clients Since 1975

With a successful private practice in the Austin, Texas, region since 1975, I bring over thirty years of expertise in bankruptcy law. I possess excellent communication and writing abilities, as well as strong analytical skills. My experience encompasses litigation in bankruptcy and Texas state courts, handling a wide range of cases, including Chapter 11 and 13 plan confirmation issues, discharge and dischargeability litigation, claim objections, contract disputes, and state-court collections. I am also known for my assertive case management. Reach out to see how I can help you.

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Barry Broughton Attorney

your trusted Bankruptcy Attorney

Hello, I am Barry Broughton, and I'm here to help you navigate through tough times. As a bankruptcy attorney, I specialize in providing legal solutions for financial problems. Let's put an end to creditor pressure, lawsuits, and property seizure threats. Say goodbye to the needless harassment, and let's work together to get you back on track with a fresh start. Your financial peace of mind is just a phone call away.

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Why File Bankruptcy?

Are you drowning in debt? Faced with relentless creditor harassment? It's time to consider bankruptcy as a solution. As your dedicated bankruptcy attorney, Barry Broughton Lawyer can help you stop creditor pressure, lawsuits, and threats of property seizure. Say goodbye to endless harassment and take the first step towards a fresh start. Let us guide you through the legal solutions for your financial problems and help you get back on track.

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Are you a car dealer with customers in bankruptcy? Download my free PDF guide, specifically designed for car dealers. Learn how to navigate the legal landscape and protect your financial interests. Don't let creditor pressure and threats of property seizure affect your business. Take control and get paid what you deserve. Download now and secure your future.

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Schedule a free consultation

We understand the stress that financial problems can bring. That's why we offer a no charge consultation to discuss your situation and explore legal solutions to help you get back on track. Our experienced bankruptcy attorney can help you stop creditor pressure, lawsuits, and threats of property seizure, putting an end to needless harassment. Don't let financial struggles hold you back any longer - schedule your free consultation today.

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Stop Creditor Harassment

Are you tired of constant creditor harassment and the threat of losing your property? At Barry Broughton Lawyer, we understand the stress and anxiety that come with financial difficulties. Our legal solutions can help you put an end to creditor pressure. Let us help you stop the needless harassment and get you back on track towards a fresh financial start.

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  • Why is Barry Broughton Lawyer so popular?

    Because of our high-quality and professional services! If you are looking for bankruptcy attorney services in Austin, TX, Barry Broughton Lawyer is the local name you can trust. We specialize in providing bankruptcy attorney services like no other.

    When is the right time to schedule a bankruptcy attorney service? Now! We are always here and ready with the bankruptcy attorney services you need.

    If you need bankruptcy attorney services in Austin, TX, look no further than Barry Broughton Lawyer. Give us a call today at 512-472-3028 to learn how we can help.

  • How does bankruptcy affect my credit?

    Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy remains on your credit report for up to 10 years. However, you can immediately begin re-establishing your credit after your case is filed. 

    Due to the fact that you are wiping out your debts and cannot file again for eight years, credit companies want to be first in line to extend credit to you again. 

    By not filing bankruptcy, your credit report may show negative information for seven years from the time you become current. By filing, negative reporting stops immediately. This allows you to begin re-establishing credit faster by keeping house, auto, or other payments current.

  • Can you stop auto repossession?

    Yes. No one can repossess your car after your case is filed. In Chapter 13, we can sometimes get a repossessed car back and pay for it through the Chapter 13 plan.

  • Will I lose any property, assets or belongings?

    Bankruptcy laws protect what you own. These are called "exemptions." Most, if not all, of your assets (including automobiles and certain amounts of equity in your home) are exempt," allowing over 99% of our clients to keep everything and lose nothing. 

    In a typical Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed through our office, you will lose nothing. In Chapter 13 (debt consolidation), you keep all the assets you choose because your debts are paid off or wiped out.

  • How can I get in touch with you?

    You can reach us by calling 512-472-3028, emailing, or filling out our contact form.

Bankruptcy Attorney

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